The Power Of The Mind…Your Mind

I’m sitting in a cafe sipping my short mac as I write this next post, looking out at Cottesloe beach (Perth’s most famous and beautiful beach…I guess it’s the Bondi of Perth!) and I’m thinking to myself, “life is good!” It’s going to be a magical 29 degree spring day, I have the luxury of […]

My First Magazine Photo Shoot For Singapore Cleo!

Singapore La! Ah Singapore, what fond memories I (mostly) have of you! I first went to Singapore when I was 17 years old for fashion week. There were around 12 of us from Vivien’s modelling agency in Perth that went there together…we had a blast! The following year when I was 18, I decided to […]

7 tips & tricks to help shape your bod for SUMMER!

For those of you in the southern hemisphere, summer is just around the corner! Here are some practical tips and tricks you may not have thought of to help you get towards your weight-loss goals. 1. Have a weekly Epsom salt bath! That’s right! Epsom salts are packed full of magnesium and when placed in […]

I Had A Hair Mineral Analysis…These Are My Results!

I’m a big fan of alternative therapies! I’ve seen naturopaths, homeopaths, Chinese doctors, osteopaths, chiropractors, network chiropractors, kinesiologists, acupuncturists, an Ayurvedic practitioner, a dietician (first and last time!) and I’ve tried colonic hydrotherapy, reiki , reconnective healing and I meditate and practice yoga! Phew! I told ya I was a big fan! Why might you […]

The Story Of My Family’s Journey With Candi (part 3)

It has now been 10 weeks since my sister had her terrible accident. If you’re reading about this for the first time, you might like to start here. The Highs And Lows… Well there’s definitely been a few highs and lows since I last wrote about Candi. Let’s start with the highs! As I have […]

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