5 Tell-Tale Signs You’re Dating THE RIGHT Man

loving couple

I know you’ve been there – those times in your life when you’ve dated someone through infatuated-goggle-eyes. You (deep down) know he’s not the right man for you but you’re too caught up in the lust and attraction to look beyond it and into the things that truly count for a successful relationship. Your friends […]

I’m A Certified Beautiful You Life Coach (plus lots of pics!)

Beautiful You Life Coach

On November 23rd up on the beautiful Gold Coast and surrounded by inspirational women, I became a certified Beautiful You Life Coach and I couldn’t be happier! Becoming a life coach has been on my mind for quite a long time. In fact, the first time I entertained the thought was even before I became […]

Overcoming People Pleasing (a sneak peek from my eBook)

The People Pleasing Curse… When I was young, one of my biggest lessons was learning to find my voice and stop ‘people pleasing’. I’ll admit that I really cared (a lot) about what people thought of me. This was to the point where I often swallowed my own thoughts, told ‘white lies’ and occasionally put […]

7 Essential Ways To Survive The Silly Season


  I can smell it in the air…you know that buzz when summer is almost in full flight and the silly season too? Parties, functions, get-together’s…it’s all about to start. And whilst I’m a big believer in letting your hair down and havin’ some capital ‘F’ fun, this is definitely the time of year when it’s easy […]

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