The Pain Felt From Falling Out With A Friend

the pain felt from a falling out with a friend

It hit me hard, right in my heart. One of my closest friends had literally shut me out of her life. The door to our beautiful friendship had been closed and I was left in a perpetual state of sadness and longing… Longing for her to reply to my texts, calls and emails. Longing for […]

So…What Exactly Is A Life Coach?

On the surface, hiring a life coach may seem a tad over the top and self-indulgent. You may even be wondering if there’s many people out there who actually use this service. I mean…what exactly is a life coach anyway? A Beautiful You Certified Life Coach such as myself, will be your biggest cheerleader. We […]

This Is How I Live A Healthy Holistic Lifestyle (part 1)

living a lasting healthy lifestyle

Something I am super passionate about is helping women live a healthy, holistic lifestyle through my coachingĀ , blog posts, newsletters andĀ personal training. Nothing beats feeling healthy, right? It completely changes the way we feel about ourselves and this has a domino effect on everything else in our life from our relationships, careers/ businesses, confidence levels […]

5 Ways You Can Meet Mr Right (online dating + tinder not included!)

5 ways you can meet your soul mate

Are you single and over online dating and tinder? I don’t blame you! That’s not to say you can’t meet Mr Right (aka soul mate) using these services, but if it has’t worked out for you so far, you’d probably love some other ideas! Here are 5 ways you can meet Mr Right… 1. At […]

7 Steps To a Self-Loving Life

self love

Do you ever feel as though you’re your own worst enemy at times? Like if you could just give yourself a break and speak kindly to yourself, your world would be infinitely brighter? Me too. When I really stop and think about it, it seems strange to me that I’d occasionally have negative thoughts about […]

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