A Snapshot In The Life Of Steph Einhorn (holistic kinesiologist)

  Having always had a keen interest in natural health, Steph started off doing a Bachelor of Science at UWA before moving to Sydney to study Holistic Kinesiology at the college of Complementary Medicine. Steph has been back in Perth for a year now and is loving integrating into the health community there. Steph has […]

5 Ways To Experience More JOY In Your Life


I’ve got an insightful and juicy question for you to ask yourself, perhaps whilst meditating, and that is ‘how much joy am I experiencing on a day-to-day basis?’ Really sit with this meaningful question and see what comes up for you. It may be an instantaneous response or you may need to work through a […]

I Am So Happy Right Now I Could BURST!

elizabeth rose & rachel macdonald

Right now, I feel like I’m floating. I feel light, inspired, purposeful and like everything I’ve ever wanted is flowing my way, bit by bit, just as it should. The Beautiful You Coaching Academy is largely, and gratefully, the reason behind my glowing sense of ‘hell yeah, I’m on the right path’ feeling 🙂 Rewind […]

I Finally Made Some DIY Cleaning Products!

DIY cleaning products

This has been one of those things I’ve been wanting to do for ages but just never got around to it…until now! Making some DIY cleaning products really isn’t difficult at all, and is kinda fun and creative, and super awesome for your health. Here’s why… Your standard cleaning products found at the supermarket contain […]

A Snapshot In The Life Of…Nat Kringoudis (women’s health revolutionist)

Nat Kringoudis

  Nat Kringoudis is a bona fide women’s health revolutionist and fertility fixer with a big heart for natural healthcare. She is a Dr of Chinese Medicine, an author, speaker and the founder and owner of The Pagoda Tree. Nat has stepped up to champion fertility BEFORE it becomes an issue. With the belief of […]

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