Are You The Confident Woman You Know You Can Be?

Are you the confident woman you know you can be, or do you struggle with self-confidence and stay in your shell? Being a confident woman says a lot about you and what you think about yourself and where you’re at in your life. I think there’s nothing more attractive than a confident woman (or man!)….wouldn’t […]

A Snapshot In The Life Of…Rayne Embley (fashion, lifestyle & motherhood blogger))

Rayne Embley

Ok, so who out there feels like they have 1000 things to do and not enough time to do them. Who out there are mum’s wanting a career and feeling like unless they have kids in fulltime day care and work until midnight nothing will ever get done. Mix that with a little bit of […]

7 Ways To Get Through The Silly Season Without Blowing Out

Okay, so we all know this is the time of year where we celebrate being on holidays with lots more food and bevvies. It’s the festive season after all! It’s time to be Merry and let our hair down and have some fun! Right? Yes, absolutely. But my advice…don’t let it all go completely. Hopefully […]

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