Liz Loves


I saw a powerful YouTube video on the negative effects of social media that has been shared on Facebook, called Look Up. You may have seen it too? This video has an important message that I really love. It’s saying that this media we call ‘social’, is anything but. We are losing real connections with […]

Super Charge Your Health


Did you know that from April 7th-13th it was Australian Fitness Week? During this time, all Fitness First clubs around Australia had their doors open to the public, completely free of charge, for people to experience their new innovations, classes and workshops to super charge their health. I’m currently still a personal trainer at Fitness […]

Liz Loves (new workout & recipe)

white vintage bike

For the past three months, I have been working in partnership with Fitness First to bring you one post a month with a particular theme relating to health & fitness. There’s 20 bloggers around Australia who are doing the same thing, all with the intention of helping Australians “Change for the Best”! Such an awesome […]

Gemstones, Crystals and Oracle Cards

The Blue Budha

I just love the feeling I get as soon as I walk into a spiritual shop filled with beautiful stones, crystals, books, cards, jewellery, dream catchers, incense and the like. I could easily spend hours in these gorgeous havens! On Sunday I went into an old fav of mine, the lovely Blue Budha in Fremantle, […]

Liz Loves


Every now and then, a new fashion label grabs my attention. When BRUUG launched at the end of last year, I was really impressed! Stylish, wearable designs, and very affordable. Tick, tick, tick! Natasha Butler is the owner / designer and is such a beautiful girl inside and out! She also has Mini Bruug for […]

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