My Light Bulb Moment That Has Gotten Me So Darn Excited!!!

I had a light-bulb moment last Thursday night at about 9.30pm. Yep, I went into my room and was about to hop into bed when it suddenly came to me…this light bulb moment…and I got so excited by this sudden realisation that I walked out of my room with a dumbfounded yet thrilled look on […]

Cutting Out Junk Food Without Cutting Out Flavor

I’ve heard it all before, excuses from clients and friends telling me (and convincing themselves) that eating healthy food is boring and tasteless. Or simply that they don’t know what to make or how to make it taste good! Well…I’m here to tell you now that eating healthily IS NOT boring and really does taste […]

New York New York (the time of my life!) part 2.

Ah, New York! This is part 2 of a blog entry from when I was living and studying acting in NYC from 2006-2007. If you missed the first one, check it out here. Liz in New York – elizabeth rose. a budding actress all the way from australia. and the journey has just begun!  Hey […]

Why Superfoods Are SO Good For you!

If you haven’t already opted-in for my FREE Super Smoothie Collection, this is why you should! My smoothies include ‘superfood’ ingredients! Superfoods are nutrient dense foods packed full of a higher than average concentration of nutrients including – vitamins, proteins, minerals, essential fatty acids, antioxidants, essential amino acids, enzymes, coenzymes and glyconutrients! Woah!

New York New York (the time of my life!) part 1.

Ah, New York! My 12 months spent in this incredible city goes down as being the best time of my life! I went there in August 2006 and left exactly a year later in 2007 – can’t believe that was almost 5 years ago!! Seems like yesterday – oh how I miss New York New […]

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