A Snapshot In The Life Of Andy Anderson (health club owner, entrepreneur, fitness coach)

Andy Anderson is considered as a young health and fitness thought leader. He is the founder and CEO of Ultimate You Fitness – a successful health club facility in Melbourne, Australia that offers a revolutionary concept in achieving optimum health and fitness.  He is the creator and editor of Ultimate You Magazine, an all-in-one source […]

How To Unleash Your Inner Inspired Self And Increase Productivity!

Definitely a woman to be inspired by (and perhaps envious of!) is Jess Jones. Jess has 3 passions: travel, photography and health & fitness, and has combined all three of them as she travels throughout South and Central America, sharing her journey via her blog Journey with Jess Jones. Jess left her job over a […]

Identifying What Your Dream Life Is!

To follow on from my “Light Bulb Moment” post last week, as it seemed to inspire a few of you, I thought I’d write a post on how to identify your dream life, including your dream career. My Journey So Far Finding out what you really want in life can be tricky. At least it […]

My Light Bulb Moment That Has Gotten Me So Darn Excited!!!

I had a light-bulb moment last Thursday night at about 9.30pm. Yep, I went into my room and was about to hop into bed when it suddenly came to me…this light bulb moment…and I got so excited by this sudden realisation that I walked out of my room with a dumbfounded yet thrilled look on […]

I Actually Did It…I Moved Back Home To Perth!!

If you’ve read my about me page, you’ll know that I’ve been away from home for 13 years! I always said “I’ll NEVER move back to Perth!” but the time has come. And I’m ready for it! I’d been thinking seriously about it for the last 2 years. A long time, I know. You see the truth is I haven’t been as happy as I could be…and for quite a lengthy period now. My childhood dream of becoming a movie star…

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