The Story Of My Family’s Journey With Candi (part 7)

Journey with Candice

For those of you who’ve been following my posts about my sister’s journey since her accident almost two years ago, my apologies for not updating you sooner! If you’d like to get up to speed, you might like to read this post or start from the beginning. Well, last October we held a very successful […]

Finding Love Again (part 2)

Welcome to part two of my lovely love story :-). If you’ve missed the first one, you might like to get up to speed by reading it here before continuing on. This post was published April 2014. As I mentioned in part 1, Gavey pursued me for six months before something clicked inside of me […]

Finding Love Again (part 1)

Oh lordy, have I been looking forward to writing this series or what! I’ve been looking forward to it for a couple of reasons. The first one being that it’s just so exciting I’m actually writing that I’m no longer a single girl in my thirties (woo hoo!!). And the second one is because I […]

Gemstones, Crystals and Oracle Cards

The Blue Budha

I just love the feeling I get as soon as I walk into a spiritual shop filled with beautiful stones, crystals, books, cards, jewellery, dream catchers, incense and the like. I could easily spend hours in these gorgeous havens! On Sunday I went into an old fav of mine, the lovely Blue Budha in Fremantle, […]

How Do You Feel About Valentine’s Day?

Ah, Valentine’s Day. What mixed feelings you bring me. The mixed feelings are dependent on whether or not I’m in a relationship or have a date lined up for when February 14th comes around. Silly really, but for the single ladies out there reading this, you know exactly what I mean (especially if you’re in […]

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