My Beauty Guide – Natural And Eco Friendly!

Like most girls, I love all things beauty! I remember being only 10 years old when I first became interested in caring for my skin. My mum’s good friend, Pam, was a beauty therapist and I remember vividly her telling me one day to always moisturise my skin. She suggested to pat dry, not rub […]

The Story Of My Family’s Journey With Candi (part 2)

This is part 2 of my family’s journey with my sister, Candi, who had a terrible accident 6 weeks ago. It has been a life changing experience which I have decided to share with whomever decides to read it, with the hope of inspiring and supporting others who have gone through a traumatic experience with […]

How To Look Hot Naked And Increase Your Sex Drive!

Want to know what my top 7 tips are to look hot naked and increase your sex drive? Keep on reading! 1. Exercise! No surprises there. But when I say exercise, I do mean periodised phases of strength training. Ā Strength training builds lean muscle mass which in turn boosts your metabolism, making it a metabolic […]

The Story Of My Family’s Journey With Candi (part 1)

This is part 1 of a series of posts I will be continuing to write about my beautiful sister, Candice, and her journey of recovery. It has been 5 weeks since her accident…I wrote about the lessons I had already learned from such a tragic event 2 weeks after it happened, here.These posts will be […]

My Workout Video You Can Do At Home Or At The Gym!

Below is a quick, circuit style workout I filmed last year with TJ from his Results Based Training studio in South Melbourne. I’ve interviewed TJ before here. I decided to swap roles, and be the client instead of the personal trainer! I actually LOVE being trained for a change, and have hired my own PT […]

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