New York New York (the time of my life!) part 1.

Ah, New York! My 12 months spent in this incredible city goes down as being the best time of my life! I went there in August 2006 and left exactly a year later in 2007 – can’t believe that was almost 5 years ago!! Seems like yesterday – oh how I miss New York New […]

So I’m Back In Perth…What Next?

If you’ve been following my blog you’ll know that I recently made an interstate move back to my hometown of Perth, Western Australia. Start here if this is your first time visiting to get the low-down. Now when I say I’ve moved back home, I don’t just mean the city, I mean I’ve moved back […]

Motivational Words Of Wisdom Part 4…Deepak Chopra

Acknowledged as one of the world’s greatest leaders in the field of mind – body medicine, Deepak Chopra, M.D., is the founder of the Chopra Centre in California and is a best-selling author on topics such as mind-body healing, quantum -mechanics, spirituality, mediatation and peace. Deepak ‘s mission of “bridging the technological miracles of the […]

The Paleo Diet…This Is How I Eat

If you’re interested in tweaking the way you eat for weight loss and/or healthy living, chances are you’ve stumbled across the Paleo diet more than once. In fact, it’s everywhere!! And a good thing that it is. What Is The Paleo Diet? The Paleo diet, short for Paleolithic and also referred to as the caveman/primal/hunter-gatherer […]

I Actually Did It…I Moved Back Home To Perth!!

If you’ve read my about me page, you’ll know that I’ve been away from home for 13 years! I always said “I’ll NEVER move back to Perth!” but the time has come. And I’m ready for it! I’d been thinking seriously about it for the last 2 years. A long time, I know. You see the truth is I haven’t been as happy as I could be…and for quite a lengthy period now. My childhood dream of becoming a movie star…

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