5 Ways To Get Lean Legs

Lean Legs

Do you struggle to get lean legs? Are your hips and butt the first to blow out? We all have our areas where we carry the most weight – usually the tummy, hips and buttĀ  – but I know a lot of women also struggle to keep their legs lean and cellulite at bay. To […]

15 Tips To Burn Belly Fat

Belly fat is probably the hardest fat to lose yet the most desired by women…not fair! Losing belly fat would have to be my most asked question by my clients and probably the most important one as excess belly fat and poor gut health can lead to disease. Having an understanding of why we gain […]

Wanna Know How I Mix Up My Training So I Don’t Get Bored?

We can all get a little bit bored with the same training routine week in week out. Next thing you know, you’ve hit a plateau and lost your training pizzazz! Sound familiar?   I’m a big advocate of moving everyday and mixing things up a bit with my own training and also my personal training […]

How To Get A Rocking Bikini Body For Summer!

bikini body

Summer is upon us…yay! Like a lot of people, warm weather makes me giddy with happiness! I just love feeling the warm sun on my skin, balmy nights, dips in the ocean, no jackets at night (hallelujah!), summer dresses, cute bikinis, open air cinemas, Sunday sessions, outdoor training, bbq’s with friends, glowing skin, sunsets over […]

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