Move The Way Our Ancestors Did…The Paleo Way

Have you ever pondered on the scientific fact that our Paleolithic ancestors had virtually no ailments or diseases? A far cry from the myriad of illnesses we are plagued by in today’s society ever since the Agricultural & Industrial Revolutions. I’ve already spoken about the Paleo Diet (or template as I prefer to refer to […]

New York New York (the time of my life!) part 3

New York New York! Sure was the time of my life! This is part 3 of some blog entries I wrote when I was living in NY 06′-07′. If you’d like to start at part 1, head over here.This particular post is about my ‘method acting’ sensory class…it was a fabulous and quirky and interesting […]

How You Can Improve Your Self Esteem…Gala Darling’s Story

I watched this fantastic TED talk by the inspirational Gala Darling – a kiwi girl with a hybrid accent living in the US, and on a quest to empower and show women how to practice Radical Self Love. Such an important topic, with some crazy statistics that makes my heart ache! For any guys reading […]

Identifying What Your Dream Life Is!

To follow on from my “Light Bulb Moment” post last week, as it seemed to inspire a few of you, I thought I’d write a post on how to identify your dream life, including your dream career. My Journey So Far Finding out what you really want in life can be tricky. At least it […]

Are Men Confused About What Women Want And Threatened By A Successful Woman?

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Okay, I have a confession to make…I am completely fascinated with gender issues. Especially around relationships, work and behavioural patterns of men in certain circumstances. FASCINATED!! Are men threatened by successful women? “Yes”, according to Dr Dina McMillan, a Social Psychologist! In Sarina Lewis’s article in Sunday Life magazine (this is from 2011 – I […]

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