Want To Get Lean? Watch This Vid And Learn Which Foods To Eat!

Today’s fantastic guest post, is a video by fitness and fat-loss expert, Tim Neal. Tim is the founder of the 365 Project – A Kick Ass Fit Tip For You Everyday! Subscribe HERE for free daily fit tips! I’ve know Tim for 5 years now and I’ve gotta tell ya, he’s one of the best […]

L.O.V.E. why it’s so important to me

L.O.V.E. The single most important emotion out there, has gotta be love. Loving someone, loving yourself, feeling love from another and loving things give us that warm, tingly, deliriously happy feeling. Without love we are often lonely and unhappy…chasing a feeling, an emotion that makes us all feel whole again. Being In Love… Oh how […]

How To Unleash Your Inner Inspired Self And Increase Productivity!

Definitely a woman to be inspired by (and perhaps envious of!) is Jess Jones. Jess has 3 passions: travel, photography and health & fitness, and has combined all three of them as she travels throughout South and Central America, sharing her journey via her blog Journey with Jess Jones. Jess left her job over a […]

My Beauty Guide – Natural And Eco Friendly!

Like most girls, I love all things beauty! I remember being only 10 years old when I first became interested in caring for my skin. My mum’s good friend, Pam, was a beauty therapist and I remember vividly her telling me one day to always moisturise my skin. She suggested to pat dry, not rub […]

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