Why Women Want To Have The ‘Thigh Gap’ (part 1)

Ah, the elusive thigh gap. This desire a lot of women have has been showing up a lot in the media lately. Why this is being publicised as a sudden obsession is a little beyond me. I remember being in grade 5 and scrutinising over my legs and the size of the gap between my […]

This is what I did to set my week up positively!

On Monday morning, I woke up and had such a delicious feeling of happiness and excitement! Before I opened my eyes, I laid in bed and meditated for 5 minutes. I brought my attention to my feet, legs, tummy, arms and then to my heart, imagining it getting bigger and bigger with each inhalation, opening […]

My Two Sides…Figuring Out Who I Am In This World!

I read a fantastic post on Jess Ainscough’s blog yesterday! It’s called Who Are We Without Our Special Identities, and I love how open and authentic this post is. Jess certainly is honest about her insecurities around her identity, her need to be “special” and why self-love and self-acceptance is something she continually works on. […]

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